Laid-Back Breastfeeding: Comfortable, Instinctual Nursing for Moms and Babies

There is no wrong way to position your baby at the breast. As long as your body and breasts stay comfortable and your baby is getting enough milk, there’s nothing you need to change. Humans have been breastfeeding since the dawn of time, and it 

Telling Mothers the Truth About Breastfeeding

I have listened to mothers weep over how difficult breastfeeding is, or how much they hate it, dread it, want it to end. I have helped mothers get through to the other side of breastfeeding, which usually includes varying amounts of pleasure and love. But I have 

25 Things I Want Breastfeeding Moms to Know

1. We’ve all had days when we wanted to give up. 2. There are breastfeeding helpers out there who won’t judge you. Keep looking till you find one who makes you feel safe and supported. 3. Breastfeeding isn’t all or nothing. 4. Breastfeeding looks different for 

Is It Normal Not to Like Breastfeeding?

Many mothers start off thinking of breastfeeding simply as a feeding method. In those first few weeks, they want to be sure they are doing it right—and, of course, that their baby is getting enough to eat. Sometimes the technicalities of nursing can wear a 

How To Get Through a Nursing Strike

Scenario 1: Your eight-month-old seems to be teething. He bit you while nursing and you screamed at the top of your lungs (ouch!). Now your baby cries when he comes to your breast, and refuses to nurse. Scenario 2: Your four-month-old had a cold last 

10 Breastfeeding Myths Debunked

I have been helping women breastfeed their babies for six years, and have been nursing my own children for over eight years, but I am still floored when I hear some of the things women are told about breastfeeding—from their doctors, midwives, friends, grandmothers, Dr. Google, 

The First Week of Breastfeeding: What to Expect

Breastfeeding is normal, natural, and instinctual, but it’s also a learned process for both moms and babies. It’s to be expected that new moms will have questions, and need information as breastfeeding unfolds after birth. Along with some loving care and guidance, and a good 

To The Mom Who Didn’t Breastfeed

Maybe your baby never latched. Maybe it hurt so damn much and nothing made it better. Maybe you were given bad advice in the hospital, or by your pediatrician, your obstetrician, your midwife, your mother, your friend. Maybe you just didn’t want to breastfeed. Maybe 

Feed The Baby: When Supplementing Saves Breastfeeding

Most mothers make plenty of milk for their babies — nature designed breastfeeding to be a very hearty system. But by virtue of the work I do, I see my fair share of low milk supply cases (I see the babies who are having issues 

Screaming and Crying at the Breast

Your baby, who has always come to your breast for comfort, love, and nourishment, is now screaming, crying, and arching away from your breast.  You’re sick with worry.  Is something wrong with your milk?  Do you have enough?  Does your baby hate breastfeeding?  Is something