Tips for Gently Weaning Your Toddler

Tips for Gently Weaning Your Toddler

How long to nurse your baby or toddler is a very personal, individual decision. And it’s a choice only you can make—not your friends, your breastfeeding helpers, your mother, or your partner. You know yourself and your child. You know your day-to-day life. You know 

25 Things I Want Breastfeeding Moms to Know

1. We’ve all had days when we wanted to give up. 2. There are breastfeeding helpers out there who won’t judge you. Keep looking till you find one who makes you feel safe and supported. 3. Breastfeeding isn’t all or nothing. 4. Breastfeeding looks different for 

To the Mom of a Nursing Toddler

It’s ok that you’re the only one who can get your child to take a nap. It’s ok that you’re the only one who can put your child to sleep at night. It’s ok that you can’t imagine a night away from your child. It’s